You’ve heard it all before: fibre this, fibre that. Everyone’s been sold the dream of ultra-fast broadband and lightning-quick internet. But here’s a little secret – you might not be getting the full-fat fibre. So, let’s dive into the tangled web of fibre optics and find out if you’re truly living the high-speed life or if you’ve been served a half-baked version.

The Green Cabinet Conundrum
Picture this: you’re told you’ve got fibre broadband and you’re eagerly expecting to download films in seconds and stream 4K videos without a hitch. But wait – there’s a green cabinet at the end of your road. That’s right, that charming green box that’s about as inconspicuous as a giraffe in a phone booth.
If you’ve got one of these green beauties, it means you’re on a Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) connection, not the full-fat, crème de la crème Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) that you’ve been dreaming of. FTTC means fibre optic cables run from the exchange to the cabinet, and then it’s copper cables the rest of the way to your home. Yes, you heard that right – copper. It’s like getting a sports car and finding out the engine is a lawnmower.

The Full Fibre Fantasy
Full fibre, or FTTP, is the real deal. With FTTP, fibre optic cables run all the way from the exchange straight to your doorstep. No copper involved. It’s speed, reliability, and a future-proof connection – the whole shebang.
So, how do you know if you’ve truly got FTTP? Simple. Check your postcode on the Openreach website. You can also do a speed test – if your speed tops out at 80 Mbps, you’re on FTTC. But if you’re seeing gigabit speeds, then you’ve hit the jackpot. And if you spot an Openreach engineer shimmying up the pole, it could mean full fibre is coming your way (or they’re just practising their climbing skills).

The Ups and Downs of Fibre (Or Lack Thereof)
Here’s the thing: while FTTC is better than plain old copper, it’s not quite the fibre paradise you might have been sold. If you’ve been dreaming of FTTP but find yourself staring at that green cabinet, just know that the fibre revolution is on its way. The fibre game can be a bit tricky, but now you’re in the know. Keep your eyes peeled for FTTP and, in the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help you navigate your options and find the best solution for your needs.
For more fibre facts, full-speed support, or if you’re just curious about what’s really in your broadband bowl, contact us today. Custom Telecom is here to help you untangle the fibre confusion and get you on the fast track to truly speedy internet.